Thursday, March 20, 2008

I get the junkies

Dunkin Donuts on a Friday afternoon.

It doesn't take much to make that better...except that I spent some time with an amazing 8th grade girl I've gotten to know over the last two years. This girl has been coming to Soul Squad, our neighborhood bible study for middle schoolers, and she has been seeking a lot lately. Seeking time with adults at bible study, asking questions about what we're learning in bible study, and a ride home each Wednesday after study. She's a great girl but has had a history of "acting out" at school. On the ride home on Wednesday I asked her if she wanted to go to Dunkin Donuts on Friday. She jumped on that right away and called me 15 minutes after school Friday. As we spent an hour or so over hot chocolate and donuts we talked about school (she's doing better), life at home, and bible study. As we're talking she mentioned how in the evening she "gets the know Miss, I get hungry to eat the bad foods." As we laughed, and I agreed, I thanked God for the opportunity to hang out with this girl.

God has been moving in our bible study group and what is so humbling is that it is in the midst of my weariness and not so great attitude about things that God has opened up these doors to invest in the kids. Soul Squad has been a place where kids have spent the last 2.5 years asking questions about God. We've played games, taken summer swimming trips, celebrated holidays and sought to learn more about who God is, who Jesus is, and what they mean to us and offer us. I've watched kids grow older and more mature. We're seeing a movement here and I seek your prayer. These kids are resilient and they keep coming back. That alone is a reason to celebrate. Pray they continue coming, asking questions, and time for us, as adults, to invest in these kids in smaller groups.

God desires their hearts and they are seeking His unconditional love in all kinds of ways. Pray for boldness and a trust that God will continue working. Praise God for his faithfulness and his mighty power!