Friday, June 20, 2008

End of the Year!!

The last days of school I had some projects planned and special things to give my students.  A huge blessing was that my sister and her husband were able to come help the kids collage picture frames.  We finished the year having fun and talking about what we learned, famous quotes from the year, and favorite memories.  A few are included below the pictures so enjoy their words rather than mine!  

Annie with some kids

End of the year picture!
Gareth helping out

This is what they had to say about the year (in their own words)...

 Positive things that happened in the classroom (unedited):

· We all telled things that happened to us and we made people be funney like laugh.

· When we had progress reports and when we got treated.

· Tickets.

· I like about this year that I was good.  I like about me lerning.  I like about this year I was being smart.

· My reading gared (grade) got high. 

· The STAR Partners.

· My teacher is nice and mean.

· I like the STAR Partners.                    


Things Ms. Minnich should continue (unedited):

· Just do the same things that you did this year and you will be fine but do things for people birthdays.

· Do not stop teaching.  The kids will love you like we do.

· She should continue giving out tickets from progress reports.

· The tickets and the STAR Partners.

· The STAR Partners and continue doing tickets.

· STAR Partners.

 Obviously we have a long way to go, but it is clear that you have made an impact!  

Thanks again to everyone...stay tuned for next year!  This summer I'll be enjoying vacation! 

Friday, June 6, 2008


Okay so let's be real...wasn't field day the BEST day of elementary school?  Last year we had the opportunity to have field day for our 5th graders so we decided to try it this year at the new school!  I'm not sure if the teachers or students were more excited about it getting approved but plans were put together quickly and we had a spirit week, penny wars and then on field day the three homerooms competed against each other.  Enjoy the pics...I heart these kids!

Red = 206/200 -- my team!
The sponge relay!
Green = 208 - the class I taught for 2 weeks...
The mummy race...4 rolls of TP!  Yes I know we filled up part of a landfill...forgive us!
Beach Race
Yellow team = Rm. 209 
100+ kids, 3 teachers, 6 Dads helping, 8 games =FUN