"Ms. Minnich, would you be our cheerleading sponsor?" I almost laughed out loud but as I looked at their sincere faces I stopped myself. They were desparate and as I thought over it for a few days I went to them with the following conditions...
1. No lifts.
2. No jumps
3. I can't teach you anything.
BUT I am willing to sit with you after school a few days so you can cheer for the basketball teams. If you are going to be cheerleaders you are going to encourage the teams you cheer for, not just dance around.
Needless to say they actually agreed to this arrangement excitedly and so we started practicing.
These girls are amazing! They came into it with 3 cheers and routines for each of them. At the end of the season we had about 7 cheers they knew! Pretty much all of them were original too!
I helped out by teaching them Cool Blue and Red Hot - if you are from camp you'll appreciate it - and that's about all I offered! It's over now but I was incredibly blessed by these girls and their excitement for cheering and just getting to know them over the weeks.
If you know me, keep laughing...over the fact that I was involved with anything having to do with cheerleading!