Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Ms. Minnich is taking me somewhere...

Eddie, Jonathan, & Alex

Supposedly this is what Jonathan, one of my students, told his sister as he walked out the door this past Friday night. We were going to the Philadelphia KIXX game, as a reward to a few boys I worked with the first few months of school. They are nice kids and always worked hard for me. A huge blessing this past month was that another special ed. teacher was hired. This in turn means that my caseload was cut in half! I decided to reward a few of the kids who I wouldn't be working with anymore but that worked really hard the first marking period by taking them to the KIXX game - Philadelphia's indoor soccer team.

Ecstatic over hanging out with Jorge!

These guys were all peering out their front doors when I pulled up, were full of eager questions, and just an absolute blast to be around. My roommate Juli and I had a great time and spent most of the night hiding smiles as they exclaimed over and over again at how much fun they were having. My friend Jorge stopped by and answered some questions for them, as he plays for the KIXX. They didn't know what to do with themselves. Quote of the night was when Jonathan, on the ride home, stated, "I'm going to put this ticket in a case when I get home...and I'm going to keep it even until I'm old."

THIS is what it's all about.