Number one thing I've learned this summer - I have a difficult time moving on. This summer I've had to adjust with the idea of teaching at a new school. That meant saying goodbye to Roberto Clemente Middle School - where I've spent my first two years teaching. I've learned life isn't always about being in one place, and although my past experiences have involved watching my parents teach at the same school their entire careers I recognize it's time for me to move on - for now!
As I say goodbye I also am fortunate to be present at the opening of a new school 5 minutes away. This year marks the opening of G & Hunting Park Elementary School. Dubbed the "Elementary School of the Future" it is decked out with fantastic technology! All of the details are still being worked out...and knowing the school district they will continue to be "worked out" for the next few month or so! However...I'm adjusting to a new school with new coworkers. And nothing short of normal for the district, we've had a teacher quit so although I began teaching 6th Grade Inclusion I've been working as a regular classroom teacher for the last few weeks. The new building is fantastic and it's been wonderful working for a supportive administration! Check out the link below! It's the local news article and a short video which shows a little of the school! Next on my agenda is to post a few pictures of students and the school! It's a shame that all students in the district don't have the facility that these kids do! So many are trying to get here though - the district originally planned for 800 students but we are up to approximately 950 already. Pray for patience and flexibility, as well as energy and enthusiasm as we continue to adjust to changing schedues and classroom rosters. Pray for more teachers and the district to put forth effort to truly make this place work! I pray that this new place can become a community building, and not just a school! I am absolutely in LOVE with my students and can't wait to share more about them!
Quote of the week: student's attempts at my name - Ms. Memmice, Ms. Mimic, Ms. Matthews (former teacher's name), and my all time favorite Ms. Minniccchchhhhhh (this boy draws out the 'ch' sound like a throaty Germanish sound!)